Collection: Bluetooth Accerometer Series

  • Bluetooth 2.0 and BLE 5.0 low-power energy IMU sensors
  • ±16G 3-axis Bluetooth Accelerometer Gyroscope Sensor | Arduino Raspberry ROS Python Linux
  • The rugged housing and compact design make it ideal for various industrial applications, including motion capture and machine monitoring.
  • 【 High Performance 】Accurate output data: 3-axis XYZ (Pitch Roll Yaw) Acceleration + Gyro + Angle+ Magnetic field, Bluetooth coverage range: within 50meters (without obstacles like walls)
  • 【Robust Design】Low-power Bluetooth 5.0 (up to 40 hours battery life), compatible with Android/iOS (supports up to 4 sensor connections on one WitMotion App) and WitMotion R&D PC software
Bluetooth Accerometer Series